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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Back From The Big Apple

Well, I made it back from NYC yesterday. I was so tired I went straight to bed and didn't even copy my pictures over to the computer. I must have walked thirty miles in three days and four nights, but it was all worth it. I saw some amazing things, shot a little over 4000 pictures and made it home in one piece. I've got some nasty blisters on my feet, though, but I'll heal. Stay tuned for more great pictures from all over the island of Manhattan!  This is the view of lower Manhattan from the Staten Island Ferry as it approaches the terminal.  Not a lot of stuff to point out here except for the new World Trade Center being built at Ground Zero, that's the building left of center with the crane on top.  It's still got a long way to go but you can see it's already getting up there.  The Staten Island Ferry docks at the short white building left of center at the waterline, and the green building next to that on the right is where the other, smaller ferries dock.  The green trees mark Battery Park, and I think the low building at dead center is the Coast Guard Station.

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