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Saturday, August 20, 2011

Tick Tock

There's a commercial on TV lately for some cell phone company, and in it, some guy gets a text too late for him to know he's not supposed to be part of some dancing flash mob right at 12:00pm. Something about the commercial has been bugging me and today I figured out what it is. A shot in the commercial shows the big clock in Grand Central Station with a second hand ticking down to noon. Well, that clock doesn't have a second hand, far as I can remember. And I found this picture from my last trip to NYC that seems to bear out my memory. No second hand.  There are some shadows on the face of the clock at 0:19 and 0:41, but those appear to be internal structure.  Zooming way in, I can see the profile of the hands on the left and right faces, and again, no second hand.  Exposure time is 1/40 of a second, so it shouldn't be blurred out of existence.  It's just not there...

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