You have to love a girl who:
♥ 's Hello Kitty (one of her recent purchases was some Hello Kitty film for her Instax camera);
Paints her nails Red, White and Blue for The Royal Wedding complete with little Union Jack on the thumb. (She has also had wee little pink piggies, strawberries; tuxedo's and moustaches courtesy of Wah Nails in Dalston, blue and white dots, and tiny ladybirds);
Owns a Red Wonder Woman lipstick;
Loves taking photos (she is studying graphic design and photography at university);
Blogs about fun things like the world's weirdest hotels, the granny who whizzes past on a kid's scooter each day when she is walking to uni, her peg friends project (she is making little peg people of all of her facebook friends) and the demise of her sun hut during a recent holiday to Sri Lanka (so cute!);
Is very funny and sweet (hence her lovely blog);
Owns a burger phone (remember those from way back when? So much more fun to answer the phone when it is shaped like a hamburger!);
Has been photographed numerous times by the uber talented American fashion photographer Valerie Philips (Cara is also a model);Loves pom pom's on clothes (note the tiny pom poms on her cream shirt), camping in the countryside with friends, trawling car boot sales for vintage (not sure what they are called in the US but we call them trash&treasure markets in Australia) and any excuse for a fancy dress party. Head on over to Grazia.it for the full interview with Cara.
Vintage dress with ASOS socks.
Guinea Pig courtsey of Cara's best friend (who Grazia will be featuring in a few weeks). Yep, if there is a cute animal around I will include it in the photo....much to the horror of photo editors ;)
Cream shirt (TBA); Shorts (vintage); Tights (Marks and Spencer); Boots (Swedish Hasbeens); Flower headddress (Verity Pemberton).
Teddy Bear courtesy of Verity Pemberton ;)
p.s. You can click on the collages to make them bigger.
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