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Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Second Night Of Chanukah

I've been slacking on my Chanukah shares, but I'm back again with another LP before you here on the, what is this, the fourth night?  This one probably isn't as good as my first Chanukah share of the year, but it's still pretty good.  I'm just happy that I was able to find some LPs to share this year.  Chanukah records are much harder to find than Christmas records.  This time around it's kids doing the singing instead of someone singing to kids, so that much is different.  Please download and listen to Temple B'Nai Abraham Of Essex County School Choir-Vivienne K. Bender, Director With Dr. Joachim Prinz-Children Sing On Hanukah (Tikva T-88, Mono).

1. Hava Narima
2. Dr. Joachim Prinz-Narration
3. Blessings
4. Hanerot Halalu
5. Al Ha Nisim
6. Maoz Tsur
7. Hanukah Hanukah
8. S'Vivon Sov Sov Sov
9. Sov Sov S'Vivon
10. Ner Li
11. I Have A Little Dreydl
12. Mi Yimalel
13. Y'Mey Ha Hanukah
14. Dr. Joachim Prinz-Narration
15. To Our Great God
16. Father In Heaven
17. Hava Narima


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