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Monday, November 29, 2010

North Pole Or South?

Here's one of the odder shares from a few years back.  I thought I'd enjoy it more than I did, but it just didn't float my boat.  A combination of language I don't understand with music I'm not familiar with just sort of sunk it for me.  So I'm going to inflict on you one more time, and I'll give it another listen, too.  Please download The Men's Choir Of St. Hedwig's-Polish Christmas Carols (Custom Pressed By Columbia Record Production SRS-513, Stereo).

1. Narodzil Sie Jezus Chrystus (Christ Is Born)
2. W Zlobie Lezy (In The Manger)
3. Dzisiaj W Betlejem (Today In Bethlehem)
4. Tryumfy Krola Niebieskiego (Triumph Of The Heavenly King)
5. Sliczna Panienka (Beautiful Maiden)
6. Wesola Nowine (Happy Tidings)
7. Wsrod Nocnej Ciszy (At Midnight)
8. Pospieszcie (Hasten Shepherds)
9. Kolysanka (Lullaby)
10. Lulajze (Go To Sleep)
11. Znarodzenia Pana (Master's Birth)
12. A De-ste Fideles
13. Chrystus, Chrystus (Christ, Christ)


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